
Building E2

6774 m²

Three building structures, standalone company gas station. Halls and workshop with office spaces. Mid to longterm remodelling into a technology center. Up until then the building is available for commercial use.

Utilization, technical, traffic area

Coworking space and office. 1273 m2
Workshops 3385 m2
Warehouse 801 m2
Other 440 m2
Technology area 466 m2
Transportation area 408 m2

Building dimensions

NRH-KfZ-Hall 4 m
Entry height gates 3,60 m
LRH Office 3 m
Area 29,65 x 33,75 m
LH-Workshops 3,60 m
NRH-KfZ-Workshop 5,50 m

Usage possibilities

Versatile usable hall and workshop areas (without support beams) with ceiling heating for development, production, storage and administration, 2 trolleys, 1 truck and 2 car lifting platforms and service pits. Attached office spaces with social areas. Depending on the use a building permit might be required.


Divisible at the jousts.


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