EU-Klimakommissar Wopke Hoekstra und Geschäftsführer Frank Wolters bei .GUT Am Flughafen 1.
© Tegel Projekt GmbH

April 15, 2024

EU Commissioner Hoekstra visits the pioneering companies of the UTR

“What you are doing here is the future!” EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra was impressed by the pioneering work in the Urban Tech Republic during his visit on April 12. For him, the overarching goal is clear: “We want Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent. Fossil fuel must finally become history.”

“We work on this every day here in the Urban Tech Republic,” confirmed Nora Oberlaender, Head of Business Development at STOFF2. Together with Alexander Voigt, board member and co-founder of HH2E, they presented EU Commissioner Hoekstra with the latest innovations from the two companies, which have set themselves the goal of generating constant green hydrogen from fluctuating renewable energies.

Wopke Hoekstra next to Nora Oberlaender and Alexander Voigt at a presentation in front of an audience in the Berlin TXL freight hall.
© Tegel Projekt GmbH

The panel then discussed the decarbonisation of the industry with other companies such as H2 MOBILITY and DHL. Of course, there was also a guided tour through the .GUT community and a climate-neutral pizza baked in Heat Storage Berlin’s energy storage oven.

At the end, the EU Commissioner received a very special gift from Lisa Templiner, co-founder of Studio Tegel : a specially created work of art made entirely from recycled construction waste from Terminal A, illustrating their process of circular furniture and interior design.

EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra, Marc Bernath and Studio Tegel with recycled artwork.
© Tegel Projekt GmbH
EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra and Managing Director Frank Wolters in front of .GUT Am Flughafen 1.
© Tegel Projekt GmbH

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