Berlin develops solutions for networked cities


Berlin is booming. But cities can only grow sustainably with technological support. How this can be achieved and much more was the topic of the second edition of the Urban Persuasion series of talks.

Urban Persuasion Vol. I


The Urban Persuasion Interviews are dedicated to the question of how we want to live together in our cities. The entire interview series has now been published as an e-book.

Moritz now has added value

gezeichneter Mann

As part of the “Urban Persuasion” series of talks, Berlin TXL spoke with Andreas Krüger. He is the managing director of Belius GmbH, a strategic consulting agency for spatial development and a central player in Berlin’s urbanism scene.

Putting people at the centre


This year’s Creating Urban Tech was not only about the technologies of the future. Time and again, the 350 technology experts who came to the event also discussed the question of what role people will play in the smart city of the future.

Moabit Energy Day – together for GREEN MOABIT

Interessierte Gäste am Stand der Tegel Projekt GmbH: Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen im Abgeordnetenhaus, Silke Gebel und Staatssekretär Christian Rickerts, Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe

As part of the “Urban Persuasion” series of talks, Christian Hammel spoke about his observations on the topic of venture capital in a digitalised society. He heads the Technology and City department of the Technology Foundation Berlin.

City Car Summit 2017

Roll-Up des City Car Summit 2017

The second edition of the City Car Summit took place in Berlin on the 14th and 15th of March. Mobility experts from 27 countries came together to discuss the role of the automobile in urban life in a series of panels and presentations. Naturally, our team from Berlin TXL also joined the summit, which mostly centred around the two topics of autonomous vehicles and carsharing platforms.

Decarbonising Transport in Berlin


Just a stone’s throw away from the old gasholder – a symbol of Berlin’s past reliance on fossil fuels – an event held on November 15 was dedicated to sustainable cities and future forms of mobility. A report on the “Decarbonising Transport: Smart Mobility Innovation for Sustainable Cities” conference.

It’s all about smart city, stupid

Menschen unterhalten sich bei der MetSol

With Creating Urban Tech and MetSol on the calendar in early June, Berlin’s smart city initiative for 2016 reached a climax with respect to major events. Experts, thinkers, and visionaries from more than 400 cities came to the capital from May 30 to June 2 for the two events. We were also there and took a look at the most important trends and developments.

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